The Overlooked Eating Disorder

I bet you’ve heard of Anorexia? Oh and Bulimia too, right? Both of these eating disorders are  (although not necessarily understood and accepted) extremely well known by society. Celebrities are often accused as suffering with either of these as they stand clad in skimpy bikini’s, ribs apparent- on the front of glossy gossip magazines. Characters on teenage television programs have also been the victims of Anorexia (Take Cassie from the British version of Skins) or Bulimia (Hannah from Pretty Little Liars). However, Binge Eating Disorder, which can be defined as a psychological illness characterised by frequently eating excessive amounts of food- although the most common eating disorder, seems to be overlooked, misunderstood and inappropriately treated.

This came to my attention as one of my best friends called me in tears after a visit to her local Doctors surgery. She booked an appointment as a plea for help after years of suffering with binge eating and many failed attempts at recovery. After pouring her heart out to one of the doctors the response she was given went a little something like this: “Aren’t there better things you can think of doing with your life, other than eating all the time? How is that enjoyable?” She was then given a referral to a Dietician and told to eat fruit and vegetables as opposed to cakes and sweets. Fantastic insight Doc.

Essentially, it seems that even medical practitioners remain oblivious when it comes to an eating disorder with characteristics other than those of Anorexia and Bulimia. Binge Eating disorder is a mental illness and needs to be treated accordingly.

It is therefore my goal to create awareness and some kind of understanding about Binge Eating Disorder. As well as this I aim to give sufferers a voice and to allow them to understand that they are not alone in their struggle with this eating disorder.

Thank you for reading and until next time remember that eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes!

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